Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Thank You for a Great Year

P.O. Box 2244
Orangevale, CA 95662

January 31,  2012

Dear Sponsors,

Thank you so much for your generous sponsorship gifts to Give Children Hope during the year 2011. It was truly a remarkable year for many Filipino children who so desperately needed the meals and school support your donations gave them.

With your support we provided over 700 Filipino children critical daily meals and school needs for the sponsored children participating in Sua and Maravilla Meals at School Programs in the Philippines. 

Kristina Sunico, a former Give Children Hope sponsored Filipino child and now our Philippines Correspondent for Give Children Hope tells how unique our school meals programs are in the Philippines:
“I’ve never heard of another child sponsorship organization here in the Philippines that gives sponsor’s donations direct to the children and lets parents be a part of the program”.

And a recent note from our Filipina volunteer coordinator for our Give Children Hope Meals at School programs sends thanks to all the sponsors for their support. Helen writes:

    “Norma Buena, a mother with children at Sua School, approached me and said  she and many Sua school parents are so much grateful for the Meals @School given every day to their children. They hope that someday they can see you all in person so they could show their gratitude. I assure you, that your money goes to the children 100%. Thank you for all your help”. – Helen Agawin, Sur., Philippines

I would like to thank you in behalf of the children for what you do for them.  May God bless you for giving so many of them a second chance in life.
Don Cooper
Chief Operations Officer
Give Children Hope

Thank you for your tax-deductible donations for the year 2011.  If your donation was made online through our credit card processor you should have received a receipt at the time of the donation. You can receive your year’s donations by going online to Network for Good or use this letter as a record for your year’s  donations by writing in the amount of your donations here: $______________.

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