Saturday, March 27, 2010


We have several Haiti projects in development and one completed. Give Children Hope assembled with volunteer labor over 300 emergency kits at a cost of nearly $2,000 and had them shipped to Dr. Combs in San Diego who will personally deliver them this month to Haiti. We have other assistance projects in development and will reveal the details as soon as they are realized.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

News from the Philippines

Kristina Sunico our Phillipines Coordinator (a college student) writes "We thank you for the financial support. It is bringing food to our tables and we never go hungry. It helps us in our school fees. Our parents don't have to worry much about those things because they are being provided by people like you. We thank you all for everything that you do for us. We pray for your good health and your families happiness. We hope that your plans will go well. We enjoy life though it is a bit hard. We love to do alot of things. We are thankful for all our opportunities. Most especially for your help to keep us in school! We love you very much!