Sunday, October 18, 2009

News from the Philippines

We received a letter from Kristina Sunico our Manilla director
"Flood is always a part of the rainy season here, it would enter the house, it would wet things inside the house, and it would be knee high , those are just normal things...but this time is a very different one. No one thought of how extreme the situation would be. The flood came up in just a matter of minutes. up to the neck until it covered the whole the roof and eventually covering the entire village. This description is no exaggeration. We witnessed it all with our own eyes. People screaming babies crying, cars and appliances are floating and flying like toys ...trees smashing it was like what we see in the movies. It has been really devestating. But there are many things we are thankfull for. We are greatful that we are alive. There is alot of damage to our homes but those things dont matter when we have our lives and families. The sponsored children of Give Children Hope are in a better condition. Our testimony of Gods love and faith in His power was so much strengthened spite of the devestation ..there are many reasons to smile. Kristina Sunico

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Helping Poor Families in Brazil

Our Brazilian Coordinator is shown delivering food baskets to poor families in the Porto Alegre area of Brazil in July 2009.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Mary Jane Paza a sponsored child in the Camarines Sur Area writes: We children in the Philippines are so much grateful for the benefits we received for being member of this wonderful program. I am now in my last year of high school. I study hard to have a good future. The food we eat, the expenses at school and other matters pertaining to our way of helps alot in the financial burden of our parents. Again my thanks and i will always pray for the best you have in life...God bless you all!!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


As a young Filipina girl, life has been very difficult for me and my family. Then when we were on the edge of despair, I rejoiced that I was chosen as a sponsor child with Give Children Hope.
The child sponsorship blessed my life. I had good food to eat and funds to attend and complete school. It gave me hope that someone cared.
Thanks to my caring sponsors, I have been fortunate to receive a good education, knowing both Tagolog, our official Filipino language, and the English language almost equally well.
Ive been so blessed that now I help with this urgent message to you to help sponsor a child. I also write monthly letters for the Give Children Hope sponsored children. Every sponsor receives a new email from me every month. These letters give you news that link you to your sponsorded girl or boy.
I was fortunate to have sponsors who cared and loved me. But there are many hundreds of children I know within a mile of where I live here in Manila who are suffering from hunger and lack of funds to attend school.
Should you or someone you know like to sponsor a child send Give Children Hope your name and address to us.....e mail us at Kristina Sunico

Monday, March 9, 2009


Send your tax deductable contributions to ...Give Children Hope
P.O. Box 2244
Orangevale, CA 95662-2244

You can be assured that 100% of your donation will go to help a suffering child.
Your donation of $29/month will sponsor a child and change a life.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Give Children Hope has a 30 year track record of helping poor children in the 3rd world. We are an organization of one receives a salary. This way we are able to give 100% of your donation directly to poor, needy children. Many help organizations give less than 50% of donated money to the poor...the rest goes to administrative costs including salaries and advertizing.

When you give to Give Children Hope, your contribution of $29 month will go directly to a poor child to help improve their quality of life. All of our small administrative costs are covered by a few generous donors. You can truly feel as though you are passing your contribution directly to a child in need!


A recent Newsweek article by Peter Singer points out correctly that we are much more likely to help a particular child than starving masses. One group in a study was given general information about "food shortages in Malawi causing the starvation of hundreds of thousands". A second group was shown a photo of a 7 year old Malaian girl named Rokia and told that she is desperately poor and that "her life will be changed for the better by your gift". People in the second group gave far more.

"Futility thinking" plays a role. Giving money to help the poor is, we say, just a drop in the ocean. We focus more on those we cannot save rather than on those few we truly can. Did you know that the more we talk about giving the more we encourage others...this is known as the bystander effect..when they see our action they are more likely to act as well....Tell you friends and family that you give!


UNICEF tells us that 10 million children under 5 die each year from causes that are easily preventable...starvation, disease. That's 27,000 children who die EVERY DAY. suggests that for something like the cost of a pair of shoes, you can save the life of one of these children.

Of course it may seem challenging now to talk about saving the truly destitute in the world in the midst of our economic difficulties in the U.S. but we need to rememeber that even in our most trying times we are vastly better off than the %50 of the world that lives on less than $1 a day.


Saturday, February 28, 2009


Give Children Hope programs emphasize the health, education and well being of children living in dire poverty. Our programs are designed to make lasting, positive changes in the lives of poor children, many of whom are suffering from the effects of hunger and malnutrition.

Education...Give Children Hope seeks sponsors for children living in poverty. A sponsorship provides school programs which focus on removing impediments to school attendance and keeping the child in school. Payments are given for the child's school fees, clothing and school needs.

Development and Health...We challenge people of all countries to become aware of the suffering, the abuse and the desperate living conditions to which the poor and hungry worldwide are exposed. Swift and direct assistance to hungry children's needs can save lives.

Give Children Hope....Introduction


Our mission is to listen to the pleadings of the hungry, the poor and the give assistance to the suffering children of the world. Our response to their cries is to provide them with the most direct assistance in the most humanitarian way possible. We do this through the generous support we receive from generous donors, contributors and sponsors like you.

Give Children Hope incorporates a new and different concept into helping hungry children. All donors contributions are used to provide food for hungry children. Through a child sponsorship a child is provided food, clothing or educational expenses.

We know from our experience (since 1977) that hungry children have difficulty learning. This is why stopping hunger is our #1 Goal for children living in poverty.